Sakela Ubhauli Parba

Sakela is the greatest celebration, Kirats of Nepal celebrate. Ubhauli and Udhauli are the two principle celebrations of Sakela. Ubhauli implies upward and Udhauli is descending.

Sakela Ubhouli

As indicated by the Holy book of Kirat 'Mundhum', a time of 365 days is separated into two stages Ubhauli (going up) and Udhauli (going down). The flying creatures relocates from one spot from other in these period also in past times individuals used to move tough and downhill during these seasons.
At the point when is Ubhauli 

Consistently Ubhauli is praised on Baishak Sulka Purnima. It is on same day of Buddha purnima or Bhuddha Jayanti. 

This year Sakela Ubhauli is in Baisakh 31, 2071. It is on fourteenth May 2014 in English schedule.

Sakela Ubhauli falls on the long stretch of Baishak (April-May) and Sakela Udhauli falls during then moth of Mangsir (October-November) of Bikram Sambat schedule.

How would we observe Ubhauli 

Generally the Kirat individuals used to move up to the mountains in summer to keep away from the warmth and intestinal sickness (scourge) in the wake of playing out the Ubhauli ceremonies. During these conventional ceremonies they love their precursors and nature, looking for better riches and harvests. Toward the beginning of winter with comparable ceremonies for Udhauli they used to descend the slope.

The Kirat have solid confidence in dead predecessors and the nature. They accept precursors would blow up when they are not appropriately adored. These ceremonies are practice same way nowadays as well. Be that as it may, practice or pattern of moving up and down during summer and winter has been halted nowadays.

In the historical backdrop of Nepal Kirats are noted to be the principal rulers. Lord Yalamber, the Kirat King was the main King of Nepal. Kirati live essentially in two unique pieces of Nepal. They are called Wallo and Pallo Kirat. Wallo Kirat is the Western zones of Arun River. Pallo Kirat is the Eastern piece of Arun River. Arun River is on the eastern piece of Nepal. Mechi and Koshi zones of Nepal are likewise exceedingly habituated with Kirat populace

Who are Kirat 

Sunuwar (the general population who possess the district westbound of River Sun Koshi),Khumbu or Khambu (otherwise called Rai), Limbu (otherwise called Yakthumba or Subba) and Yakkha (otherwise called Dewan or Zimdar) are by and large called Kirati.

Ubhouli festivity 

The best occasions of this celebration are the Sakela Ubhauli move. A huge mass of individuals of various ages wear customary dresses and perform move together in circle. Male pioneer known as Silimangpa and female pioneer called Silimangma control the move and other tail them.

The move style known as Silli reflects various parts of human life and human connection with nature. This moving ceremonial begins with the Chula puja. Chula is Kitchen, the wellspring of sustenance and life.
The fundamental chief Nakchhong plays out a custom where a hen is relinquished in a hallowed spot known as Sakela Than (place), which is for the most part under a consecrated tree.

After the culmination of the pooja, Nakchhong offer sign to begin the move. He himself begins to move to offer others to move. Silimangpa and Silimangma direct the move Silies as per the beat of the dhol and Jhyamta. Dhol and Jhyamta are Nepali convention melodic Instruments.

Story behind Ubahauli 

As indicated by Kirat Mythology Paruhang lived in Heaven. One day he saw wonderful young lady named Sumnima strolling in the earth and went gaga for her. He made a delightful brush and talented it to Sumnima. The two of them got hitched. After Sumnima brought forth four youngsters Paruhang left his family to live in the hovel on the bank of Dudhkoshi River and did not return for quite a while. At some point while scanning for nourishment Sumnima found a creeper. She tasted the creeper and observed it to be brimming with power and bliss. She at that point made a Buti out of it. The buti has high power. At whatever point anyone put the buti on he/she used to talk just truth.

One day all of unexpected Paruhang returned. He attempted to reassure Sumnima yet she didn't trust him. So as to get truth from him Sumnima requested that he put on the buti. With the assistance of Buti Sumnima realized that Paruhang was taking a gander at the paradise and earth from the highest point of Chomolongma (Mt. Everest). She additionally realized that he was thinking and visited whole universe, he at that point guaranteed never to leave her again. This made Sumnima exceptionally glad. To express her euphoria she began to move.

The move of Sumnima turned into the incomparable Sakela Dance. To ensure this custom individuals move to locate their genuine affection of their life.

How is Sakela move performed

The move have steps like the means of Ducks (hans), River flying creature (dhobi chara), Black Bird (Kalchuda), Deer (Mirga), Musk deer (kasturi mirga) and different creatures.

Nakchhong, the primary person, portrays the mundhum and recounts to every one of the tales through moving these means and discussing how their predecessors went through Dudh Koshi, Sun Koshi, and Tama Koshi lastly settled in the bank of Bhote Koshi River.⧬


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