Shivaratri: Awakening Devotion 

Shiva is unadulterated awareness. He is the Supreme Lord's most prominent bhakta as He is continually contemplating upon Narayana. Known as the Lord of Destruction, He represents the disintegration of the brain, which is actually what we need all together for unadulterated Love to stir inside the heart. Through His Grace, Shiva devastates our pride and conscience with the goal that bhakti can develop in our souls and we can ascend to accomplish the Lotus Feet of Lord Narayana.

By disregarding ourselves and remaining up throughout the night, revering and singing the wonders of God, Lord Shiva causes us to remain centered, break the examples of the brain, and to conquer the allurements of Maya which shield us from acknowledging God.

What's in store during Shivaratri 

Toward the beginning of the day, we will do puja and abhishekam on the Shiva murti outside. For the duration of the evening of Shivaratri we will sing, move and perform washing ceremonies on a few Shiva lingams, including the Mrityum Bageshwar Lingam favored by Mahavatar Babaji.

Shivaratri is an opportunity to genuinely implore Lord Shiva to request that he introduce Himself in our souls. As we wash Him as a lingam, He is cleaning our inward polluting influences and arousing the dedication inside us, so we can understand Him in our souls and see Him all over the place.

What to wear 

Shivaratri is a merry event, so generally we dress in white as that is the shade of Shiva. Indian dress is empowered, however not required. Ladies are urged to wear saris or lower leg length skirts and men are approached to dress insightfully or wear a dhoti and kurta. In the event that the climate is cold, make sure to dress comfortably as the daytime some portion of the occasion is outside.


There will be a morning festivity from 06:00 to 08:00, and a night festivity from 18:00 to 08:00 the following morning. There will be four rounds of puja, abhishekam and contributions. After the puja and abhishekam, the round will close with arati and the dispersion of prasad.

first Round: 18:00 – 21:00

second Round: 21:00 – 24:00

third Round: 24:00 – 03:00

fourth Round: 03:00 – 07:00


During each abhishekam, everybody will have the chance to go to the raised area to make contributions of Bilva leaves, water and a monetary gift. Bilva leaves are comprised of three handouts and are hallowed to Lord Shiva. Sacred texts state that even the most horrendous karma is pulverized when you offer a Bilva leaf to Lord Shiva. Notwithstanding the gifts given during abhishekam, it is standard to give a money related blessing to Gurudev as dakshina toward the finish of the celebrations.

Step by step instructions to make your contributions


Because of the huge number of registrants, we should isolate everybody into four gatherings who will alternate being in the sanctuary during the night. Make certain to stop by the fundamental anteroom toward the evening upon the arrival of the occasion to choose your favored time and get your shaded wristband showing your vacancy to be in the sanctuary.

Each gathering might almost certainly remain in the sanctuary during one, or conceivably two, of the rounds. In any case, everybody will have a chance to come during each round to offer Bilva leaves, water and a gift. It would be ideal if you note, everybody who isn't in the sanctuary will most likely watch different adjusts on livestream in the Darshan Hall. Declarations will be made during each round to tell you when the time has come to come and make your advertising.


A large portion of our celebrations are free and open to the general population. Supporting a puja is brilliant approach to state thank you to Gurudev for every one of the gifts you have gotten from Him. It is additionally a liberal method to help make the occasion accessible to other people and to add to making it critical for everybody.

The demonstration of giving from the heart is a genuine gift all by itself. By supporting the occasion you receive the rewards from every one of the supplications done during the celebrations. Regardless of whether you are unfit to go to the occasion, you may in any case participate by turning into a support.

Insights concerning how to support 


This occasion will be livestreamed for Friends of Bhakti Marga individuals who are on favorable terms. Livestreaming is only one of the numerous advantages of being a Friend.

Become a Friend of Bhakti Marga


Amidst the lavish fields and backwoods of Germany's eminent Taunus locale, Shree Peetha Nilaya, 'the Home of Maha Lakshmi', welcomes you to come and investigate what lies profound inside your very own heart. The Ashram offers lodging and an assortment of courses, occasions, and exercises to enable you to associate all the more profoundly with Divine and with others on the otherworldly way. We welcome you to come experience all the inside brings to the table.


If you don't mind utilize the connection beneath in the event that you might want to book housing at the ashram during your occasion. Lodging top off rapidly for huge occasions. On the off chance that you are keen on holding a room, yet are unfit to book it straightforwardly, if you don't mind get in touch with us to be added to a holding up rundown.


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